General Discipline
General Rules
- Students are not permitted to have cell phones inside the school campus.
- Pupils not in uniform will not be considered properly dressed for the school. Hence they will not be allowed to attend the classes.
- No gold or valuable ornaments are permitted in the school.
- No birth day special dress or sweets etc. permitted in the school.
- Cleanliness in person and dress should be highly observed.Books should be kept neat and tidy.
- Pupils should obey the teachers and school authorities. They are required to go by the instructions given by them from time to time.
- When a pupil requires leave from the class, the parents should apply to the class teacher and permission should be obtained. In the case of emergency or sudden illness the pupils should bring the leave letter signed by their parents, the next working day. Leave application must be made in duplicate one on the diary and a plane sheet address to the class teacher.
- Continuous absence for 15 days without leave will cause the removal of the pupil's name from the school register. In such cases they can be re-admitted only after the payment of admission fee and other miscellaneous fee. Re-admission cannot be claimed as a matter of right. The school authorities will have full discretion in this matter.
- Promotion will be granted or denied on the basis of marks/ grades obtained in the examinations.
- Pupils are required to appear for all the evaluations/assessments unit tests. If a pupil is not able to attend any of the evaluations, the parent shall produce a leave letter stating the reason.
- If any school equipment or belongings of other pupils are destroyed or damaged by the pupil, she/he has to make good of it.
- Irregular attendance, habitual negligence in school work, dishonesty, obscenity in word or act, serious misconduct or threats inside or outside the school may cause the dismissal of the pupil.
- Pupils are not allowed to enter other classrooms at any time.
- Every student shall have with him/her the text books and note books required for the classes. No books, news papers, periodicals other than school books should be brought to school
- All assignments shall be regularly completed and submitted as decided by the teachers.
- Inattentiveness, indifference towards any subject, discourtesy towards any member of staff or any act which affects the discipline of the school will be viewed seriously.
- The school premises should be kept neat and tidy. Waste paper baskets may be used to put waste materials and waste paper.
- Pupils suffering from contagious or infectious disease are not allowed to enter the class. Cases of such illness should be reported to the school. They will be permitted to attend classes only after the submission of a medical fitness certificate from a registered practioner.
- Running/shouting in the school buildings/class rooms/playing in the class rooms is not allowed
- In the interest of safety, students are not allowed to bring any weapons or sharp instruments such as knives, scalpels etc. to school
- Bullying and the use of foul language are punishable offences whether in or out of school
- Mobile phones, Audio and Video CDs, computer games are strictly banned in the school premises.
- Every student is expected to take an active part in the co-curricular activities like games, sports, literacy activities, educational tours etc., arranged by the school.
- The management reserves the right to request parents to withdraw their children from the school, if the conduct of the parent or ward goes against discipline, culture and ethos of the school.
- Regular attendance is expected of every student and no student shall absent himself from the class without the prior permission of the class teacher or principal. If prior permission cannot be obtained for reasons beyond control, an application for leave signed by the parent/guardian should be sent to the principal the very next day.
- Absence from examination without leave and at the reopening of classes after the holidays will be viewed seriously.
- Boys must have their shirts kept in and low waist is not allowed. Shoes should be polished daily and nails should be trimmed and hair cut in time.
- Promotion is granted on the basis of the whole year's work of the pupil, records of periodic tests, terminal examinations etc. will be taken into account at the time of promotion.
- Results declared at the end of the year are final in all cases and will not be re-considered.
- Parents or guardians will have to ensure that their wards maintain good academic standards throughout the year.
- The parents and guardians are requested to look into the following matters
- Sending children to school regularly and on time.
- Encouraging them to do their home assignment
- Helping them study their lessons daily at home.
- Promotion of reading habit and extracurricular activities.
- Cultivating the habit of friendship, love, social concern and general awareness in children.
- Each pupil is responsible for his/her belongings such as books, money, umbrella, tiffin carrier etc. They are advised to bring their books etc securely placed in a bag. They are advised not to bring any valuable articles which they are unable to take care of.
- Under no circumstance fee paid to the school will be refunded.